28 feet is how deep Lake Eola is. 28 feet may not be very far but it is really deep. You will find the deepest part of Lake Eola just east of the Allen Memorial Fountain that is shown above. There is no fishing, no swimming, no paddle boarding allowed in the lake for safety reasons. The water is provided by storm water and a natural aquifer below the lake.
Lake Eola is surrounded by Lake Eola Park and a paved road which is now considered a walking path that extends for just under 1 mile. Downtown Orlando and specifically the city of Orlando take great pride in the park and meticulously maintain it. a cattle king named Jacob Summerlin family donated to the city all of Lake Eola Park or rather the land for it. If not maintained the park could in theory revert back to the Summerlin family descendants.
A Japanese rock garden, mayor's pet rock and Pagoda are located on the west side of Lake Eola Park. Not far from it are the feeders for the Lake Eola swans. You will see royal mute swans, whooper swans, trumpeter swans, Australian black swans, black neck swans and Lake Eola's ultra rare swan boats which of course do not fly.
On Sundays for a short time this public city park transforms into the Orlando Farmers Market. At least the southeast side of it does. There are farm grown produce vendors but far more types than just that. The smell of food fills the air and thousands of park visitors pass along the boardwalk area. Orange County has no finer Farmers Market.
The Walt Disney Amphitheater is functional which is why the seating is roped off for all but special events. Live music, movies, plays there is no telling what you may be able to catch there. Lake Eola Park would not look the same without the colorful Walt Disney Amphitheater.
The Lake Eola Fountain was installed back in 1912. In 1957 a new fountain was installed and named Centennial Fountain. It is now named the Linton E Allen Memorial Fountain and has been since 1966. This multi tiered fountain can be seen from around the lake as well as six sculptures. Some would say the best way to view the lake & fountain are during the choreographed light show on a calm cool evening. Lake Eola Park turned out pretty awesome for a sinkhole turned into a donation and renamed Lake Eola.
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