Windermere FL is a small town southwest of Downtown Orlando. Windermere Florida is also just a short drive north from Universal Studios and of course Walt Disney World. However, this city is not known for being close to something or somewhere. Windermere is known for amazing golf courses, mega mansions, the best lakes in Florida and a quality of life unmatched in all of Florida.
The actual town of Windermere only consists of around 2.69 square miles and 3/4 of a square mile of that is water. However most people associate the entire 34786 area code with Windermere. Especially if you want to sell your home, maybe not so much if your looking to purchase one. The town is very small and historic and I could not do it justice here because people typically do not want to read that long of an article. Let it suffice to say that the town of Windermere has been around since 1889 and was incorporated in 1925. Ladies from the town used to make bandages to be sent off to the troops during the great war. You can see much more about the history when you tour the town itself.
The Heraldic Symbology or Shield has been adopted by Windermere. You will see this hanging on light poles throughout Windermere. Clockwise from the upper left you see 3 Windermere Class Yachts, Top right you see an ancient gate symbol for gateway to the lakes, lower right 3 fish known as Char which are caught in Lake Windermere in England and lower left the Flag of St. George.
Here are just some historical places and sights you can visit in Windermere Florida. Normally we work with people moving to this area and if you reach out to me I can book a time to show you the city. Just a short drive around the area with a local expert from our brokerage will save you time and potentially money when you make your purchase. Not to mention you will know you chose the perfect community to call home.
As times have changes so has this fine city and those cities around it. Although the industry here used to be oranges today it is recreation, entertainment and lifestyle. Those that find themselves living here can choose from amazing golf courses like Isleworth, Bay Hill of The Golden Bear Club or a leisurely day boating from lake to lake on the Butler Chain of Lakes.
When family visits of course there is Universal Studios, Walt Disney World and much more just 15 to 20 minutes away. Sound interesting? It should and those are just some of the reasons home prices are so high here.
If you are looking into Windermere FL you are a lifestyle enthusiast. Not necessarily a thrill seeker but a quality of life seeker. You want an area with low crime, you want an area with a relaxed feel and you probably want a home that is incredible and has a view. That is why this city exists. We have great schools and homes your millionaire friends could visit and feel jealous of. If it is a golf course view or a view of the sunset over the lake both are attainable here. Not to mention watching the fireworks in the local parks from your pool deck or back porch.
When most people think of Windermere FL they think of Isleworth, Keenes Pointe or possibly Lake Butler Sound. However there are several more incredible communities which are not as well known, yet. There are many good reasons the cost of a home is so high in this city. Windermere has more higher priced homes within the 34786 boundary than all of Orlando.
Isleworth has been well respected for a long time and for more than one reason. Most people are curious about this community when they hear a celebrity lives here or at least used to. However you may well have never heard of the most wealthy people who own in Isleworth. Some of them are not known for their golf skills either.
If you like waterfront mansions or living on one of the finest most exclusive golf courses in the United States then Isleworth may be perfect for you. Don't plan on a lot of opportunities to rent here as only 1 or 2 will lease each year. If you are lucky enough to rent you will have to purchase your club membership as the home owners will not transfer to you.
Keenes Pointe is also a famous golfing community. The Golden Bear Club and nearly 1000 homes are inside of these gated and guarded entrances. RD Keene is where the community gets it name and the RD Keene Park (which is awesome) is right outside of the main community entrance. Keenes Pointe has more than one private boat ramp and lakefront homes on more than one lake.
If watching golf instead of admiring your lakefront sunrise or sunset is more important you will be glad to hear there are countless homes overlooking this incredible course. The course is private but if you purchase here then you can get a discounted membership. Keenes Pointe will be one of the top communities in Windermere FL for a long time to come.
If this sounds interesting reach out to me. My name is Damon Duvall with Wendy Wendy Morris Realty and yes I can help you find that perfect home here. I know the area as well as anyone and I have made the homes for sale very easy to shop for. Contact me today and lets discuss why you should consider a move to Windermere Florida.
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