Winter Park FL has many Realtors, if you are looking for the best Realtor in Winter Park FL you have come to the right place. Give me just a few minutes of your time and I will explain why that I am. Obviously there would be many who disagree but it all depends on what evidence you have to base the decision on. I have plenty of great evidence.
If you are looking to buy a home then my best evidence by far is local knowledge. Click the Winter Park link above and you will see more local knowledge given away and open for the world to see than any other Realtor in this area has accumulated and distributed. On that link you will see great information about the city and an alphabetical list of the communities lived in by most of the cities residents. For anyone moving to this area this page is a tremendous asset. I do not require registration to use this site it is open and free to use just like Zillow. If local knowledge is important to you when you are looking to buy or sell a home, then look no further. Call me to schedule a time to start viewing potential homes to purchase.
In today's world of the selfie and social media unfortunately public service has suffered. The world had definitely changed and the word is just not good enough for many. Without clouding up the day any further I will just say that is not the case with me. I have a lot of life experience and realized long ago that the true pleasures in life come with realizing it is actually about others. Improve someone else's day and watch what happens to yours.
People that are searching for their perfect home, or just their next house are under a specific set of pressures. They may hide them well but the stress is still there. Part of that is knowing who they can trust. For this reason I do not sell houses. I feel that I work for and with my clients. I want you to find what you are looking for and get closer to finding it after each home we view. Nothing feels better than smiling clients at the closing for a home they love.
I am a listener and not a talker. I may have a dog like yours, a car like yours or like the same foods. However I probably will not say those things unless you ask. Realtors are trained to be like their clients to gain their friendship. After all most people use Realtors they like. You will probably like me because I love life and those around me. I generally keep my opinions inside of the voting booth and where I spend my money. My focus when we are together are all positive and aimed at the goal we share. Getting you the best home at the best price in the shortest amount of time.
I am a Realtor and Broker Associate with Wendy Wendy Morris Realty. I have no desire to run my own office although I am licensed to do so. Running your own office is a lot like herding cats and definitely not for me. Wendy Wendy Morris Realty offers every Real Estate Service. Commercial Real Estate,Residential and yes leasing. If you purchase a home we have decades of experience and will do an outstanding job of representing you. Many of us have performed countless Broker Price Opinions for banks although I personally will no longer do them. Needless to say we know fairly quickly exactly how much any home should sell for. This helps you not spend to much money for a home, or keep from overpricing your own home resulting in the home not selling.
If you currently own a home and are looking to rent the home contact us about our services and fees. You will find we are experienced, knowledgeable and the best choice for you. Everything we do is 21st century and built around efficiency and customer satisfaction. There are no agents in this office without at least 10 years experience.
I started off my real estate career in reverse. Most new Realtors hold open houses to gain buyers and help them find homes. Yes homes do occasionally sell during open houses but primarily they are advertisement for the Realtors who hold them. 60% of buyers in today's market find their home online, select an agent and then buy the home. Less than 5% of homes sell solely because of an open house.
Marketing plans can actually be purchased online. May times a Realtor will present one to a person wishing to sell their home and the plan does nothing. Every median or average priced home in Winter Park FL will sell quickly if properly priced and marketed from the local MLS. The true talent actually lies in the willingness and skill to list the home effectively.
The MLS sends data to companies who in turn send out the listings to hundreds of sites like this one. Each one of those companies reselling the data dispense it differently. Unless you have operated a site with different data feeds you just do not understand how to effectively enter the information. We run multiple sites and are masters at getting the most out of them. No one in this area does a better job at listing homes for sale than we do.
There is a lot of competition for Realtors. It is very common for a Realtor to list a home for sale for more than it will actually sell for. Especially in a market like this one. This is often because the Realtor is counting on the seller to wear down and eventually lower the price. I have noticed a trend in the previous year when even more homes are needing to be re listed because they did not sell.
I have been trained and nationally certified to price homes for banks. When I first started out I performed countless Broker Price Opinions for banks so they knew what to sell the homes for. It does not take me long to get a very accurate estimate of what a home should sell for. This will make the selling experience much shorter and more pleasant for most clients.
This is where marketing plans can make a difference. That depends on exactly how much the home should be listed for. A home with $20,000,000 is still different from a home worth $1,000,000. Trust us we know how to handle either. This is one of the most experienced offices in central Fl. We can sell any home in any price range and market it as professionally as anyone. You can feel confident when selecting me as your Winter Park FL Realtor.
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